The Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture is a private, non-profit association founded in 1853 and registered under the Registration of Associations Act 1978. It regroups agricultural producers mostly, and other individuals or firms linked with, or who have a bona fide interest in sugar, other agricultural crops, and agro-based activities.
The Chamber of Agriculture is administered by a bureau of seven members elected at its Annual General Meeting. The Bureau is at the core of the Chamber’s activities. The basic object of the Chamber is to promote and safeguard the interests of the agricultural community at large. In this respect, it provides the necessary forum where agricultural issues are debated, grievances or differences exposed and ventilated, and policy recommendations made with a view to furthering the development of agriculture and agricultural industries.
The Chamber also interacts directly with other stakeholders involved in the sector, namely Government, national agencies and regional and international institutions. It has the mandate to defend positions made by the various operators of the sector and it further provides institutional and project links between the local agricultural sector and overseas institutions and representations directly or indirectly involved in agriculture.
The Chamber is a regular member of official representations for Mauritius involved in international negotiations and talks on trade, investment and development cooperation issues. It is for instance currently playing a very active part in the EU-Eastern and Southern Africa Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations, the implementation of the post-Sugar Protocol sugar trade arrangements with the EU, and the major regional and bilateral trade cooperation or economic integration initiatives involving Mauritius.