Ernst and Young (EY) is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services delivered help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. EY develops outstanding leaders who deliver on its promises to all stakeholders. In so doing, EY plays a critical role in building a better working world for its people, for its clients and for its communities.

Main Services:

Assurance Services: Around the world the journey to success is governed by increasingly complex and broadening regulatory requirements and more exacting stakeholder demand. EY professionals ensure clients’ accounts comply with the requisite audit standards and provide a robust and clear perspective to audit committees and critical information for stakeholders.

Advisory Services: EY works with a wide range of clients to help them make better and more informed decisions about how they strategically manage capital and transactions in a changing world. EY aims to help businesses drive competitive advantage by proactively managing their capital agenda which determines how they strategically raise, invest, preserve and optimise their capital.

Tax: Organisations need tax strategies aligned with business drivers, built on effective compliance and open, transparent reporting. EY delivers a strong reporting foundation and supports sustainable planning to help the business achieve its growth potential.

Transaction: EY’s team of transaction professionals is dedicated to helping clients deliver on their promise to their markets and stakeholders.