Cim Forex Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cim Financial Services Ltd (Cim Croup) which is listed on the Official List of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius. Cim Forex Ltd has been regulated and licenced by the Bank of Mauritius to carry out foreign exchange business in Mauritius since 1999, in accordance with Section 14 of the Banking Act 2004 (as amended).

As a foreign exchange dealer, the company

  • buys and sells foreign currencies, on a spot and forward basis;
  • carries out the function of a money changer.

Who can deal with CIM Forex Ltd?

  • Any corporate or individual person
  • Importers and exporters of goods and services
  • Individuals who need to remit currencies to or from Mauritius

Why use Cim Forex Ltd?

  • Competitive rates on a real-time basis for the benefit of customers
  • A dedicated and personalised service for all forex needs
  • A team of professionals who can assist in foreign exchange risk management through efficient market tracking
  • Same-day value for all transactions