Company Secretary
Every company, other than a small private company or a Category 2 Global Business Company (GBC2), must have a...
Companies in Mauritius are governed by the Companies Act 2001, effective from December 1, 2001. This Act offers a modern, efficient framework for business operations, aiming to facilitate enterprise, promote transparency, and enhance competitiveness. The legislation is designed to be clear, flexible, and aligned with international standards. It also harmonises the legal provisions for domestic companies with those for Global Business Companies.
Every company, other than a small private company or a Category 2 Global Business Company (GBC2), must have a...
An annual meeting of shareholders must be held once each year. Such meetings must not be later than 6...
Directors The business and affairs of a company are managed by or under the direction of the board. The...
Shares and Share Ownership Upon incorporation of a company any person named in the application as a shareholder is...
The constitution of a company is a contract between the company and the members, and the members themselves. The...
A company may either be set up as a public or private company. A public company is a listed...
It is the responsibility of the Board of a company to ensure that proper accounting records are kept and...
Any one or more persons may apply for incorporation of a company, except for LLC’s which require two members....