


Category :Business
Status :Concept
Location :Mauritius
Partner :Single

Legal Portal

This platform is available as a business opportunity in the MYP Network. It is a multi-language portal that provides comprehensive information on the legal system and the law of Mauritius, including guidelines for legal actions and preventive measures. Additionally, professionals within the legal community can subscribe for legal updates, seminars and be listed in combination with Yellow Pages. Thereto, section for classified ads for vacancies and available candidates.

Quick Notes

Audience : Legal Professionals and Firms, Local and International Businesses, Organisations, Officials. Region : Mauritius. Source Of Revenue : Listing, Advertising, Sponsored articles, Marketing affiliations. Network Partners : Cross-marketing, referral, promotion and joint venture with other media partners (podcast and e-magazines). Exit Strategy : Available for acquisition by other media companies or legal firms. Candidate : Law Students, Legal Professionals, Content Writers and Business.