There are many incentives in place to encourage foreign investment in Mauritius, and factors that attract investors, in particular the favourable tax regime.

Some of these incentives include:

  • Free repatriation of profits, dividends, and capital
  • 100% foreign ownership
  • Global Business Companies in Category 2 are tax-exempted.
  • Global Business Companies Category 1 has a maximum effective tax rate of 3%.
  • Vast network of double taxation treaties
  • Offshore asset protection
  • Ease of set-up and operation
  • No inheritance taxes
  • 15% corporate and personal income tax rate
  • 15% VAT (refundable) 
  • Tax-free dividends
  • No capital gains tax 
  • Exemption from customs duty and VAT on equipment
  • Free repatriation of profits, dividends, and capital
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