Chinese cuisine in Mauritius has evolved into a specialty of its own but is clearly influenced by a variety of traditional Chinese cuisines, often with different regions of Mauritius adopting a particular style.

In the south of the island, you can often find Cantonese cuisine with its thin, clear sauces and delicate aromas that reflect the subtle flavours. The central and western regions favour Sichuan cuisine with its rich and spicy flavours as well as  generous lashings of chilli, garlic, and bean paste, which produce hot dishes with a strong taste. The eastern coastal areas love adding sugar to most dishes, with subtle seasoning that is aromatic but not hot and spicy. 

Some of the most popular Mauritian Chinese dishes include: fried noodles or rice mixed with vegetables and chicken, meat, or prawns; Bol Renverser, a rice or noodle dish topped with vegetables and/or chicken chop suey as well as a fried egg; crispy fried chicken or calamari; and hakien (a deep fried spring roll). 

Chinese street food can be found in the form of boulettes, a type of dim sum made from meat, vegetables, or fish and served with a clear soup and spring onions from street carts or snack restaurants.

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