Essential Oils

Essential Oils

Having been used for virtually thousands of years by our ancestors, essential oils are deeply embedded in cultural life around the world. They are veritable beauty and health care remedies, added to creams, ointments and salves, but also to perfumes, deodorants and insect repellents. Essential oils do not only smell good, but actually influence our […]

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 Wellness Remedies

Wellness Remedies

Modern medicine has reserved words like “healing” or “medicine” exclusively for their approved products, cures and cares. What is left for ancient and well-known methods, used to restore and maintain the wellbeing of people around the world, are words like “wellness”, “natural remedies” or “health care treatments”. However, there is more to these treatments than […]

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 Holistic Wellness in Mauritius

Holistic Wellness in Mauritius

Some years ago, the spas in Mauritius’ newly built 5-star hotels resembled carefully sculpted sanctuaries, created to satisfy the needs of even the most discerning customer. International labels were widely propagated and each spa was eager to show off the talents of their trained therapists; experts in the arts of applying those outlandish products, brimming […]

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 Spas in Mauritius

Spas in Mauritius

Spa is a relatively new but highly appreciated word in the vocabulary of Mauritius. Mauritians had traditionally gone to see an Ayurveda therapist, or a Chinese herbalist to soothe their aching bones, and there was always someone in the family who knew how to tackle sore and stiff muscles! But then, a generation of spa […]

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 Why you Need Yoga

Why you Need Yoga

The practice of yoga was developed by an Indian Hindu by the name of Patanjali way back in the year 300. The word itself means discipline and the whole purpose of yoga is to stretch the muscles, increase the levels of concentration and to strengthen the body in general. It is also a great way […]

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 Wishing you a Grateful New Year 2015

Wishing you a Grateful New Year 2015

Another year is gone, and our eyes are turned towards the New Year and like a new moon, we look at it with feelings of hope and freshness. But before we turn the page on the past year, let us complete any unfinished business. Have we forgotten something before we move ahead with our life […]

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 Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness

There is a state beyond health, it is when not only the doctor is content with your state of health, it is when you are actually happy and content within your physical body. That state is called physical wellness. It is easy to lose and hard to re-attain for some. A very important aspect of […]

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 Health services break new frontiers

Health services break new frontiers

The health services in Mauritius are undergoing a complete overhaul with input from both the Government and the private sector. These efforts will no doubt improve the level of health care in Mauritius to meet the present and future needs of the people. The Wellkin Hospital and Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital has been set up […]

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 Wellness in Mauritius

Wellness in Mauritius

Over the past few years, there has been a great change in the health and wellness sector in Mauritius. In the old days, when someone had a health problem, they went to the dispensary or the nearest hospital, where wounds were bandaged, bones set and pills distributed liberally. With the development from an agricultural towards […]

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 Had enough of Google’s tracking tyranny?

Had enough of Google’s tracking tyranny?

Here are three alternative ethical search engines to choose from Despite general use of advert blockers, added filters and proxy detours, Google has found a way to track my exact search history and to build up a profile on me. Even though I was not logged in, and strived to create a private opinion bubble […]

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