The Textile And Manufacturing Sector

The Textile And Manufacturing Sector

Mauritius developed its textile manufacturing sector to diversify its economy, and by the 1980s, the share of manufacturing in GDP rose to 25% from 19% in the 1970s. The development of the exportation of textiles and garments complemented the tourism and sugar export industries.  However, with the expiration of the Multi-Fibre Agreement and the strength […]

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 The Tourism Industry

The Tourism Industry

With the decline of the sugar industry, tourism is often thought of as the central pillar of the economy. During the past thirty years, Mauritius has developed into a middle-income diversified economy, from a low-income economy based on agriculture. Much of this economic growth has been attributed to the expansion of the luxury tourism sector. […]

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 The Finance Sector

The Finance Sector

Financial services are emerging as a vital component of the economy in the banking and non-banking offshore sectors, including insurance, the stock exchange, and leasing. Many of these activities take place in Mauritius, but the operations take place outside of the country.  Transactions made in foreign currencies fall under the supervision of the Financial Services […]

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 Pillars Of The Economy

Pillars Of The Economy

There are considered to be five pillars of the Mauritian economy: sugar; textiles and manufacturing; tourism and hospitality; financial services; and ICT. Mauritius has one of the strongest economies of the African countries and has successfully diversified from a mainly sugar-based economy to include tourism and textile exportation from the 1980s onwards, with the newer […]

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Mauritius has been referred to as the “miracle of peaceful coexistence,” for how people with roots in Europe, Asia and Africa, live side by side in harmony and respect each other’s culture and religion. Out of a population of 1.2 million, 70% are descended from the Indo-region, with about 40% of those being Hindu, 16% […]

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 Independence a Dream or Mistake?

Independence a Dream or Mistake?

Mauritius acceded to its independence on 12th March 1968 but it took 24 years before the country became a Republic (12th March 1992). Depending on your perspective you can either thank or blame the people behind the fight for “Freedom” – the Dream for most, a mistake in the opinion of others. In this article […]

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