Wishing you a Grateful New Year 2015

Wishing you a Grateful New Year 2015

Another year is gone, and our eyes are turned towards the New Year and like a new moon, we look at it with feelings of hope and freshness. But before we turn the page on the past year, let us complete any unfinished business. Have we forgotten something before we move ahead with our life […]

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 Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness

There is a state beyond health, it is when not only the doctor is content with your state of health, it is when you are actually happy and content within your physical body. That state is called physical wellness. It is easy to lose and hard to re-attain for some. A very important aspect of […]

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 Health services break new frontiers

Health services break new frontiers

The health services in Mauritius are undergoing a complete overhaul with input from both the Government and the private sector. These efforts will no doubt improve the level of health care in Mauritius to meet the present and future needs of the people. The Wellkin Hospital and Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital has been set up […]

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 Wellness in Mauritius

Wellness in Mauritius

Over the past few years, there has been a great change in the health and wellness sector in Mauritius. In the old days, when someone had a health problem, they went to the dispensary or the nearest hospital, where wounds were bandaged, bones set and pills distributed liberally. With the development from an agricultural towards […]

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 Had enough of Google’s tracking tyranny?

Had enough of Google’s tracking tyranny?

Here are three alternative ethical search engines to choose from Despite general use of advert blockers, added filters and proxy detours, Google has found a way to track my exact search history and to build up a profile on me. Even though I was not logged in, and strived to create a private opinion bubble […]

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 Technology at all Levels of Life 

Technology at all Levels of Life 

Technology affects all aspects of our life, health, education, business and government. Following the latest technological developments and trends can help companies to up their game and create new business opportunities. Government can provide better and faster services to the population, education institutions can facilitate the learning process, and complicated operations, such as neurological ones, […]

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 Save water with new habits in the bathroom

Save water with new habits in the bathroom

With new habits you can do a lot to reduce your daily water consumption in the bathroom. The vast majority of our daily water use occurs in the bathroom. It is here that we take a shower, brush our teeth, wash our hands and use the toilet. So looking at it with our water-saving glasses […]

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 Kite-Surfing: Flying Over the Lagoon

Kite-Surfing: Flying Over the Lagoon

Kitesurfing is one of the sports that is most fascinating to man. Maybe it comes from the impression of lightness expressed through the kiter’s easy jump: that sends them flying. The smallest breeze is captured by the sail that spreads over the kiter who rides freely and soundlessly above the water. Though a fairly new […]

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 Kitesurfing in Mauritius

Kitesurfing in Mauritius

The enthusiasts of kitesurfing, often known as riders, have found an ideal location within the Indian Ocean. Kitesurfing is a great success in Mauritius. A new generation of sportsmen are born. After surfing, windsurfing and snowboarding, kitesurfing is the latest challenge for water-sports addicts. Quiet, and comparatively inexpensive, this open-air sport is gaining increasing popularity. […]

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