Why Revisited


English Revisited believes in taking a fresh look at teaching the four skills of language: reading, writing, speaking and listening in meaningful and interesting ways.

We live in a rapidly changing world, where the breakdown of traditional systems and the increasing use of technology has revolutionized the methodology of teaching. Teachers struggle to cope with children who are more tech savvy, often better informed than they are, but whose attention spans and reading skills are often abysmal. The interests of children have changed as well and are no longer simple and mundane.

In such a scenario, we “revisit” the teaching content and methods of teaching Language, trying to infuse new ideas and using the latest technology available to us. Our well-trained teachers are enthusiastic about teaching English in a meaningful and interesting manner.

Educational Philosophy

We believe that the goal of education is to create a sense of emotional wholeness and personal strength. We want children to grow in a happy environment where there is an absence of fear; and to learn at their own pace and from their own mistakes. Only then can children be self-reliant, independent and strong, as well as caring, compassionate and sensitive. Only then will they be truly motivated to learn.

The educational environment must be one where children are helped to think for themselves and to act independently, to question and investigate till every doubt is cleared. While the growth of technology has made a wealth of information easily available to children, they need to be taught to sift through it all, choosing the grain from the chaff, questioning and evaluating and not accepting anything at its face value.

If the educational environment is a happy one, where children are allowed to grow at their own pace and to unfold their latent qualities, where academic excellence is of importance but the method of imparting education is one full of enquiry and introspection, we will produce a generation of children we can be proud of in the future – young people who are independent, who do not simply tread the beaten path and who have a wondrous sense of curiosity and compassion.